About Suriname

Map of Suriname

Suriname is a country rich in natural resources and cultural diversity, located on the northeastern coast of South America. With a commitment to sustainable development and economic growth, Suriname offers a welcoming environment for investors seeking opportunities in various sectors, including mining, agriculture, and renewable energy.

Geography and Landscape

Suriname’s landscape is a tapestry of lush rainforests, winding rivers, and pristine coastlines. It is one of the most densely forested countries in the world, with more than 90% of its land covered by tropical rainforests. The expansive interior is home to numerous rivers, including the Suriname River, which serves as a vital transportation route and a source of hydroelectric power, which provides a large portion of the power consumed.

Suriname’s pristine rainforests are home to an astonishing array of biodiversity. The country is known for its incredible wildlife, including jaguars, giant river otters, howler monkeys, and a variety of exotic bird species. Conservation efforts are in place to protect this natural treasure, making it a paradise for eco-tourists and nature enthusiasts.


Suriname is endowed with a wealth of natural resources, including gold, oil, bauxite, and timber; it’s economy rests on primary gold, oil, rice, agricultural produce and timber. The recent discovery of significant offshore oil reserves has garnered international interest and presents a substantial opportunity for energy investors. Significant investments have been made or are underway in infrastructure development, including ports, roads, and telecommunications, to support these developments.

Strategic Location

Situated on the northern coast of South America, Suriname serves as a strategic gateway to both the Caribbean and the wider South American market. Its proximity to major international trade routes and shipping lanes makes it an ideal location for businesses looking to tap into the region’s economic potential.

Stable Political Environment

Suriname has a stable political landscape, which contributes to a predictable and secure investment environment. The government’s commitment to economic diversification and growth enhances investor confidence.

Rich Cultural Heritage

One of Suriname’s most remarkable features is its multicultural society. The country’s population is a melting pot of various ethnic groups, including East Indians, Javanese, Creoles, Maroons, Amerindians, and Chinese, to name just a few. This diversity is the result of a complex history that includes indigenous populations, European colonization, the transatlantic slave trade, and indentured labor from Asia.


Dutch is the official language of Suriname, reflecting the country’s colonial past under the Netherlands. However, you’ll hear a variety of languages spoken on the streets, including Sranan Tongo, Hindustani, Javanese, and various indigenous languages. Most people also speak English, and to some degree also Spanish, Portuguese, and French.


The Bakhuis area presents a promising investment landscape for those seeking long-term opportunities. With its strategic location, abundant natural resources, supportive business environment, and growing infrastructure, Suriname aims to become a stronghold in the metals industry once again. This idea is also encapsulated in the Multi-Annual Development Plan 2022-2026, which can be found here: https://www.planningofficesuriname.com/development-plan-2022-2026/